An Oasis of Calmness in the City

Just cooking garlic-flavored SPAM at the moment and I'm too excited for my dinner. Hahaha Drool! This week has been really tiresome, but I must say, it's fulfilling at the same time. I accomplished a lot from work, made a number of people smile and laugh, and discovered a little treasure within the city, along the roads I usually walked past going to GLG (Greenbelt, Landmark, Glorietta) when I run some errands for the studio. 

Guess where?

The pond in the park, which reminds me so much of Bali.


I've always noticed this little park near my work place, but I didn't bother seeking refuge in the shade of its acacia trees when the sun's too blinding and too hot to bear as I thought the idea of going to a traditional park in the metro is stereo-typically cheesy especially when mall-ing and coffee shop-ing and all others of the same sort are what's au courant these days. 

But my thoughts ran differently this week. Maybe the temperature was unbearably high every time I do some "shopping" for the studio or my heart and mind just had been filled with so much to think and a lot to worry about knowing that in a few months time, I will be a year older and I'm still far from my goal this year (I think this part is the cheesy one hahaha) So I finally decided to take a detour and see what's really in the park. What I saw was really surprising! Don't wanna be stressed out so much as it's the weekend so I'll let the photos do the talking this time hahaha :-D

The beautiful sunset and the reflections on the water.



There was music playing. Imagine you're in a spa having a soothing massage. It totally brought me to a different dimension. The air was cool enough to calm the noise echoing in my mind and the tapping footsteps in my heart. When I saw the pond, I got reminded so much of the Bali trip my buddy and I did last December. And then I became nostalgic and sentimental Hahaha The experience was a breath of fresh air for me, both literally and figuratively :-D And before the SPAM I'm frying becomes too fried, I hope you can drop by at the place too to break your daily routine and have a taste of something "usually unsual." Whatever that means! Hahaha Have a nice dinner!


Red Eye ;-)

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