For Some, It's Called Home #ArtFairPH
Since I moved to Manila, I always had the struggle to look for something fun to do (we need that so-called balance in life, right?) without having to spend too much after a three-sixty turn that plagued my career for six years. There's nobody to blame though as I'm talking about a change that I myself had decided to make! LOL :-D Unlike Cebu where beaches and mountains are close by and where I've got many friends to spend the holiday or the weekend with, the metro, at first thought, had limited things to offer. Quite ironic to think that, right? I'm supposed to be in a jungle where everything is available. Probably not for an island boy like me. Hahaha So I had to get to know myself again and list (in my mind) what other things interest me aside from beaches, mountains, and food!
Then there came art! And I think I'm lucky enough to have known a few people and met new ones who share the same likes as me. So aside from meeting up for a booze, coffee, cigarette smokin' (which I only do when hanging out:-P), "fashion shoots," or a mix of everything, going to art exhibits is a simple joy we want to treat ourselves with. For January alone, I think I've gone to three with my art fellas---an architect, a graphic artist, a fashion designer, and a fashion stylist! Let me also include my housemate who is a medical representative and his cousin, an insurance agent. Both of them I dragged to Ayala Museum for the exhibit entitled #TheWorldWeLiveIn
But before that, I'd like to share a few of my favorites from #ArtFairPH that converted the car park of The Link Makati into an art gallery. Take note, they occupied three floors! :-D By the time this blogtry is posted, the exhibit had already culminated and it was, indeed, a tasteful art buffet that my friends and I have devoured on. It was a makeshift gallery, but for a few hours, it was home for me, for artists and art aficionados alike, and will always be a sanctuary wherever and whenever for anyone who has an eye and a heart for something infinitely beautiful, undefined by numbers; a field that effaced the ennui in science!
This is supposedly a rectangular frame enough to fill the wall of a spacious living room featuring the villains of Philippine cinema. I chose to capture this part though because of the presence of Celia Rodriguez and Bella Flores, the grand dames of "contrabida"roles in movies! ;-) I bet you can also see Max Alvarado, Bembol Roco, and George Estregan (Left to Right) at the back!
Bali by Ashley Bickerton (b. 1959)
It can be an inspiration for future projects I might do, but what touches my heart looking at this is remembering my Bali trip. #tearyeyed Hahaha :-D
The Sitter by Arvi Fetal Vero
Defo one of my top favorites! :-D
Resisting Temptation by Anton Del Castillo
The glossy material used (don't know what it's called) is a standout, but what the image depicts is something I can relate to the most Hahaha I think all of us! :-D All forms of temptation---from food to food to food...LOL
La Tentacion De Adam by Gerry Joquico
Here's another warning about temptation! :-D
Not all the paintings are in square :-D I just took the photos this way for them to be Instagram-ready even though portrait and landscape layouts are now available. I couldn't remember who the artist is behind this masterpiece, but this is another favorite, something I can see in my house in the future! Hahaha :-P #DreamBig
As curious as I am! Or as complicated as how my brain functions :-P
Had to include this as it reminds me of a very good friend of mine, someone who likes to go to exhibits too. She is no less than the creative force behind the upcoming brand Ranroe! :-)
The church, its multitude of elements, and the goers illustrated in the sculptures seen in the photo. There's also an old church hymn playing as spectators get into a gallery within a gallery.
Hmmm...hazard! Or maybe the triumphs and dangers of life? What's your interpretation?
Gravity Defiers by Ferdinand Cacnio
The church scenario is jaw-dropping as much as it is awe-inspiring, but this sculpture is undeniably worth a thousand glance too. Do you remember a particular song though looking at the title? Hahaha :-D
A perfect mix of sincerity and hypocrisy. Which one are you?
They're not artwork, but the one they're looking at is! Hahaha Just being stalker-ish. Peace!
Overlapping Intervals by Adrian Evangelista
It's hard to pick a top favorite as every piece is unique and I find it rude to compare! Hahaha All I know is I want all of these and more from the exhibit in my home! (my future home)
The sixty minutes we've spent walking around was literally not enough. Wished we prio-ed this over our Chowking dinner Hahaha I still long for the beach and the sun, the mountains and the cool wind, but for Php 150.00, I was able to satisfy a part of myself, that craving for something fun without having to spend much and travel far while being with people I artfully value. Cheers to more art exhibits!
Red Eye ;-)
I add rich content to this blog continuously on inspirational materials. Also, there are a lot of comments by some very wise readers with rich content as well, that I'm sure you'll find inspiring and quite visionary. It may take you a while to get through all of the content of this blog as well as the comments. But your efforts, I'm sure, will be well worth it.